the red tape in your trousers

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pictures for now

Until I've got something good to write about please make due with some random and not so random picture albums from spring and summer of 07.

Various Pictures from Brussels

Hospital Pictures August 07

Stockholm August 07

Ghentser Fest 07

Washington DC 07

This is Amrani


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yeah... we're this band called "Get-Along Pony's". We're all about doing whatever we feel sounds right. We love all humans. Kiss you.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Just bought a new digital camera. The handmedown I had was to bulky and complicated to carry around, so it was never with me and I was never able to catch the beauty around me.

Here is the first picture I took on it. It's a dog:

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Hey ! I'm off to :and:

I can be reached on


Monday, March 26, 2007


Hi dear friends near and afar. I thought I'd share my address and telephone number with you.
So you can send me packages containing goodies and cool stuff, and call me more frequently than not.

Av. Paul Dejaer 19
1060 Brussels

+32 (0)496 42 00 91

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Is it possible?

Dear friends. This is my first post in a long time. Hopefully the first of many.

I put my foot in a dog turd yesterday. Stepping in shit, although not that uncommon for me, is as always a very aggravating and quite sad experience. There is always the same reaction. You scream, loudly or quietly inside yourself and then you start dragging your foot along the ground smearing whatever’s stuck to your sole in effort to get rid of it. In the words of Captain Kurtz: “The Horror, the horror…”

The streets of Brussels are literarily covered in turds. There are so many of them here that I’m seriously starting to doubt that there are enough dogs around to produce the amount of excrement lying around. Now this thought brought me back to the year 1992 and an incident that, to this day, remains carved in my brain. I, my brother and my dad found ourselves playing a friendly game of basket ball in the south of France or Nice to be more precise. I had just gotten a new pair of Nike Air cross trainers and was digging the fact of being alive. I guess it looked like we all were having fun because a friendly French kid my age, I was 12, came up and wanted to join. We of course let him in the game.

Now this is where it happens. We had been playing for a while and the French kid is starting to look a little squeamish. He all of a sudden stops the game, says something in French and gestures to the low cut shrubs next to the court. I figure he has to take a pee and think nothing of it until he pulls down his pants, squats down and lays a Nr. 2 right there in the bushes in front of us, god and everyone else. Me and my brothers jaws are on the ground as he skips happy towards us to continue the game.

Back to the turds on the streets of Brussels. Is it possible that people just letting themselves go?